Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Awards Luncheon
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Hyatt Regency Hotel Dallas For ticket information or to become a sponsor, contact Kaye Flewellen at 972.972.7516 or [email protected]

Martin Luther King Jr. Advancing the Dream Awards Banquet
Keynote Speaker: Martin Luther King III, human rights advocate and eldest living child of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Friday, January 12, 2018
Bluebonnet Ballroom, University of Texas at Arlington E. H. Hereford University Center
Tickets $55

For more information and tickets, please visit

Alpha Phi Alpha Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship Breakfast
Keynote Speaker: Laz Alonso, award winning actor and Howard University graduate
Monday, January 15, 2018
Sheraton Arlington Hotel
Tickets $35

For more information and tickets, please visit or contact Christopher Merrell at 469-1160 or Roderick Howard at 214.697.3580.
